TMF is a member of the support and evaluation team for Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Long COVID Care Network initiative. This initiative is a grant that supports existing multidisciplinary clinics as they expand access to comprehensive, coordinated and person-centered care for people with long COVID-19, particularly those from underserved, vulnerable and minority populations who are disproportionately affected by long COVID-19.
TMF engages and collects feedback from an interactive external contributor group comprised of health system representative, payers, policymakers and people who live with long COVID-19. To enhance efforts for AHRQ grantees, TMF is charged with facilitating monthly learning community meetings, monthly workgroups and an annual in-person meeting. In further support of the initiative, TMF identifies relevant resources and tools that will be beneficial to AHRQ grantees as they continue to develop their clinics to better serve people with long COVID-19.