Thomas Manley, MBA
President and Chief Executive Officer

Tom Manley, MBA, has a more than 30-year tenure with TMF. As president and chief executive officer, he works closely with the board of trustees and the Management team to ensure TMF continues to meet its strategic goal of improving quality of health care to all. Mr. Manley has overall responsibility for the operation of all TMF activity, acting under policies and directives established by the board.
He is responsible for the administration and oversight of all company day-to-day operations, making decisions that affect both internal and external business relationships, and ensuring the continuation and completion of efforts toward any new business opportunities.
Mr. Manley holds a master’s degree in business administration from St. Edward’s University in Austin. He is also a member of the American College of Health Care Executives.
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Pamela Hoernis, CPA
Chief Financial Officer
Pamela Hoernis, CPA, provides strategic direction and operational leadership for TMF's Finance department. In her role as CFO, Ms. Hoernis gives financial guidance to TMF's board of trustees and supervises all of the company's financial operations. She provides key strategic counsel for business activities and new business opportunities.
Ms. Hoernis holds a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting and management information systems from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. She is licensed by the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy to practice public accountancy in Texas and is a member of the Texas Society of CPAs.
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Russell Kohl, MD, FAAFP
Chief Medical Officer and Chief Operating Officer
As chief medical officer and chief operating officer for TMF, Dr. Russell Kohl works across the company to support quality improvement efforts and leads the company’s Innovation Team. Dr. Kohl provides direct support to several projects at TMF, including the Emergency Triage, Treat and Transport model, the Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor initiative and the Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization program. Through his support, Dr. Kohl works closely with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the CMS Innovation Center to improve the quality of health care and to help guide the evolution of health care delivery models in the United States.
As a family physician, Dr. Kohl strives to identify what is truly important to and for patients, how to measure those things and how to improve them in collaboration with health care organizations, including everything from solo primary care offices to academic health care systems. Previously, he practiced comprehensive family medicine in rural Oklahoma and later served as an endowed chair associate professor of family medicine at the University of Oklahoma School of Community Medicine. Currently, Dr. Kohl practices “street medicine,” providing mobile and direct medical care to the unhoused populations of the Kansas City metropolitan area. He is a past-president of the American Health Quality Association and the current speaker of the American Academy of Family Physicians Congress of Delegates. As a colonel and chief flight surgeon in the Air National Guard, Dr. Kohl serves as the State Air Surgeon of Missouri, where he is the ranking medical officer supporting the National Guard’s only B-2 “Spirit” stealth bomber wing and the U.S. Air Force’s Advanced Airlift and Tanker Tactics Course.
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