TMF employees are dedicated to supporting Meals on Wheels Central Texas, which distributes meals each business day to more than 3,000 homebound older adults and people with disabilities in the Austin area.
For more than 15 years, TMF team members have volunteered delivering meals twice per week on behalf of the organization.
In addition to providing warm, healthy meals for seniors and adults with disabilities throughout the Austin area, Meals on Wheels Central Texas has several other programs including Home Repair. Through the Home Repair program, Meals on Wheels Central Texas provides major safety repairs and accessibility modifications for eligible clients, with a primary focus on U.S. veterans.
TMF supports Meals on Wheels Central Texas not only through our dedicated volunteer team, but via direct donations for meal deliveries and the home repair program.
"It's always a highlight of my day when I get to deliver meals," said Greg Walker, TMF employee and long-time volunteer. "It's a fantastic opportunity to interact face-to-face with members of the community that TMF serves. I enjoy checking in with the clients that have been on TMF's delivery route for years. I really appreciate that TMF allows staff to volunteer time to MOW."
Greg Walker
TMF employee and long-time volunteer